Class Binder<XmlNode>

  • Type Parameters:
    XmlNode - the template parameter, XmlNode, is the root interface/class for the XML infoset preserving representation. A Binder implementation is required to minimally support an XmlNode value of org.w3c.dom.Node.class. A Binder implementation can support alternative XML infoset preserving representations.

    public abstract class Binder<XmlNode>
    extends java.lang.Object
    Enable synchronization between XML infoset nodes and Jakarta XML Binding objects representing same XML document.

    An instance of this class maintains the association between XML nodes of an infoset preserving view and a Jakarta XML Binding representation of an XML document. Navigation between the two views is provided by the methods getXMLNode(Object) and getJAXBNode(Object).

    Modifications can be made to either the infoset preserving view or the Jakarta XML Binding representation of the document while the other view remains unmodified. The binder is able to synchronize the changes made in the modified view back into the other view using the appropriate Binder update methods, updateXML(Object, Object) or updateJAXB(Object).

    A typical usage scenario is the following:

    • load XML document into an XML infoset representation
    • unmarshal(Object) XML infoset view to Jakarta XML Binding view. (Note to conserve resources, it is possible to only unmarshal a subtree of the XML infoset view to the Jakarta XML Binding view.)
    • application access/updates Jakarta XML Binding view of XML document.
    • updateXML(Object) synchronizes modifications to Jakarta XML Binding view back into the XML infoset view. Update operation preserves as much of original XML infoset as possible (i.e. comments, PI, ...)

    A Binder instance is created using the factory method JAXBContext.createBinder() or JAXBContext.createBinder(Class).

    Kohsuke Kawaguchi ( Joseph Fialli
    • Constructor Summary

      Modifier Constructor Description
      protected Binder()
      Do-nothing constructor for the derived classes.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      abstract ValidationEventHandler getEventHandler()
      Return the current event handler or the default event handler if one hasn't been set.
      abstract java.lang.Object getJAXBNode​(XmlNode xmlNode)
      Gets the Jakarta XML Binding object associated with the given XML element.
      abstract java.lang.Object getProperty​(java.lang.String name)
      Get the particular property in the underlying implementation of Binder.
      abstract javax.xml.validation.Schema getSchema()
      Gets the last Schema object (including null) set by the setSchema(Schema) method.
      abstract XmlNode getXMLNode​(java.lang.Object jaxbObject)
      Gets the XML element associated with the given Jakarta XML Binding object.
      abstract void marshal​(java.lang.Object jaxbObject, XmlNode xmlNode)
      Marshal a Jakarta XML Binding object tree to a new XML document.
      abstract void setEventHandler​(ValidationEventHandler handler)
      Allow an application to register a ValidationEventHandler.
      abstract void setProperty​(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object value)
      Set the particular property in the underlying implementation of Binder.
      abstract void setSchema​(javax.xml.validation.Schema schema)
      Specifies whether marshal, unmarshal and update methods performs validation on their XML content.
      abstract java.lang.Object unmarshal​(XmlNode xmlNode)
      Unmarshal XML infoset view to a Jakarta XML Binding object tree.
      abstract <T> JAXBElement<T> unmarshal​(XmlNode xmlNode, java.lang.Class<T> declaredType)
      Unmarshal XML root element by provided declaredType to a Jakarta XML Binding object tree.
      abstract java.lang.Object updateJAXB​(XmlNode xmlNode)
      Takes an XML node and updates its associated Jakarta XML Binding object and its descendants.
      abstract XmlNode updateXML​(java.lang.Object jaxbObject)
      Takes an Jakarta XML Binding object and updates its associated XML node and its descendants.
      abstract XmlNode updateXML​(java.lang.Object jaxbObject, XmlNode xmlNode)
      Changes in Jakarta XML Binding object tree are updated in its associated XML parse tree.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • Binder

        protected Binder()
        Do-nothing constructor for the derived classes.
    • Method Detail

      • unmarshal

        public abstract java.lang.Object unmarshal​(XmlNode xmlNode)
                                            throws JAXBException
        Unmarshal XML infoset view to a Jakarta XML Binding object tree.

        This method is similar to Unmarshaller.unmarshal(Node) with the addition of maintaining the association between XML nodes and the produced Jakarta XML Binding objects, enabling future update operations, updateXML(Object, Object) or updateJAXB(Object).

        When getSchema() is non-null, xmlNode and its descendants is validated during this operation.

        This method throws UnmarshalException when the Binder's JAXBContext does not have a mapping for the XML element name or the type, specifiable via @xsi:type, of xmlNode to a Jakarta XML Binding mapped class. The method unmarshal(Object, Class) enables an application to specify the Jakarta XML Binding mapped class that the xmlNode should be mapped to.

        xmlNode - the document/element to unmarshal XML data from.
        the newly created root object of the Jakarta XML Binding object tree.
        JAXBException - If any unexpected errors occur while unmarshalling
        UnmarshalException - If the ValidationEventHandler returns false from its handleEvent method or the Binder is unable to perform the XML to Java binding.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the node parameter is null
      • unmarshal

        public abstract <T> JAXBElement<T> unmarshal​(XmlNode xmlNode,
                                                     java.lang.Class<T> declaredType)
                                              throws JAXBException
        Unmarshal XML root element by provided declaredType to a Jakarta XML Binding object tree.

        Implements Unmarshal by Declared Type

        This method is similar to Unmarshaller.unmarshal(Node, Class) with the addition of maintaining the association between XML nodes and the produced Jakarta XML Binding objects, enabling future update operations, updateXML(Object, Object) or updateJAXB(Object).

        When getSchema() is non-null, xmlNode and its descendants is validated during this operation.

        Type Parameters:
        T - the declared type
        xmlNode - the document/element to unmarshal XML data from.
        declaredType - appropriate Jakarta XML Binding mapped class to hold node's XML data.
        JAXBElement representation of node
        JAXBException - If any unexpected errors occur while unmarshalling
        UnmarshalException - If the ValidationEventHandler returns false from its handleEvent method or the Binder is unable to perform the XML to Java binding.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If any of the input parameters are null
      • marshal

        public abstract void marshal​(java.lang.Object jaxbObject,
                                     XmlNode xmlNode)
                              throws JAXBException
        Marshal a Jakarta XML Binding object tree to a new XML document.

        This method is similar to Marshaller.marshal(Object, Node) with the addition of maintaining the association between Jakarta XML Binding objects and the produced XML nodes, enabling future update operations such as updateXML(Object, Object) or updateJAXB(Object).

        When getSchema() is non-null, the marshalled xml content is validated during this operation.

        jaxbObject - The content tree to be marshalled.
        xmlNode - The parameter must be a Node that accepts children.
        JAXBException - If any unexpected problem occurs during the marshalling.
        MarshalException - If the ValidationEventHandler returns false from its handleEvent method or the Binder is unable to marshal jaxbObject (or any object reachable from jaxbObject).
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If any of the method parameters are null
      • getXMLNode

        public abstract XmlNode getXMLNode​(java.lang.Object jaxbObject)
        Gets the XML element associated with the given Jakarta XML Binding object.

        Once a Jakarta XML Binding object tree is associated with an XML fragment, this method enables navigation between the two trees.

        An association between an XML element and a Jakarta XML Binding object is established by the bind methods and the update methods. Note that this association is partial; not all XML elements have associated Jakarta XML Binding objects, and not all Jakarta XML Binding objects have associated XML elements.

        jaxbObject - An instance that is reachable from a prior call to a bind or update method that returned a Jakarta XML Binding object tree.
        null if the specified Jakarta XML Binding object is not known to this Binder, or if it is not associated with an XML element.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the jaxbObject parameter is null
      • getJAXBNode

        public abstract java.lang.Object getJAXBNode​(XmlNode xmlNode)
        Gets the Jakarta XML Binding object associated with the given XML element.

        Once a Jakarta XML Binding object tree is associated with an XML fragment, this method enables navigation between the two trees.

        An association between an XML element and a Jakarta XML Binding object is established by the unmarshal, marshal and update methods. Note that this association is partial; not all XML elements have associated Jakarta XML Binding objects, and not all Jakarta XML Binding objects have associated XML elements.

        xmlNode - the XML element
        null if the specified XML node is not known to this Binder, or if it is not associated with a Jakarta XML Binding object.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the node parameter is null
      • updateXML

        public abstract XmlNode updateXML​(java.lang.Object jaxbObject)
                                   throws JAXBException
        Takes an Jakarta XML Binding object and updates its associated XML node and its descendants.

        This is a convenience method of:

         updateXML( jaxbObject, getXMLNode(jaxbObject));
        jaxbObject - the XML Binding object
        the XML node associated with XML Binding object
        JAXBException - If any unexpected problem occurs updating corresponding XML content.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the jaxbObject parameter is null
      • updateXML

        public abstract XmlNode updateXML​(java.lang.Object jaxbObject,
                                          XmlNode xmlNode)
                                   throws JAXBException
        Changes in Jakarta XML Binding object tree are updated in its associated XML parse tree.

        This operation can be thought of as an "in-place" marshalling. The difference is that instead of creating a whole new XML tree, this operation updates an existing tree while trying to preserve the XML as much as possible.

        For example, unknown elements/attributes in XML that were not bound to Jakarta XML Binding will be left untouched (whereas a marshalling operation would create a new tree that doesn't contain any of those.)

        As a side-effect, this operation updates the association between XML nodes and Jakarta XML Binding objects.

        jaxbObject - root of potentially modified Jakarta XML Binding object tree
        xmlNode - root of update target XML parse tree
        Returns the updated XML node. Typically, this is the same node you passed in as xmlNode, but it maybe a different object, for example when the tag name of the object has changed.
        JAXBException - If any unexpected problem occurs updating corresponding XML content.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If any of the input parameters are null
      • updateJAXB

        public abstract java.lang.Object updateJAXB​(XmlNode xmlNode)
                                             throws JAXBException
        Takes an XML node and updates its associated Jakarta XML Binding object and its descendants.

        This operation can be thought of as an "in-place" unmarshalling. The difference is that instead of creating a whole new Jakarta XML Binding tree, this operation updates an existing tree, reusing as much Jakarta XML Binding objects as possible.

        As a side-effect, this operation updates the association between XML nodes and Jakarta XML Binding objects.

        xmlNode - the XML node
        Returns the updated Jakarta XML Binding object. Typically, this is the same object that was returned from earlier marshal(Object,Object) or updateJAXB(Object) method invocation, but it maybe a different object, for example when the name of the XML element has changed.
        JAXBException - If any unexpected problem occurs updating corresponding Jakarta XML Binding mapped content.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If node parameter is null
      • setSchema

        public abstract void setSchema​(javax.xml.validation.Schema schema)
        Specifies whether marshal, unmarshal and update methods performs validation on their XML content.
        schema - set to null to disable validation.
        See Also:
      • getSchema

        public abstract javax.xml.validation.Schema getSchema()
        Gets the last Schema object (including null) set by the setSchema(Schema) method.
        the Schema object for validation or null if not present
      • setEventHandler

        public abstract void setEventHandler​(ValidationEventHandler handler)
                                      throws JAXBException
        Allow an application to register a ValidationEventHandler.

        The ValidationEventHandler will be called by the Jakarta XML Binding Provider if any validation errors are encountered during calls to any of the Binder unmarshal, marshal and update methods.

        Calling this method with a null parameter will cause the Binder to revert back to the default default event handler.

        handler - the validation event handler
        JAXBException - if an error was encountered while setting the event handler
      • getEventHandler

        public abstract ValidationEventHandler getEventHandler()
                                                        throws JAXBException
        Return the current event handler or the default event handler if one hasn't been set.
        the current ValidationEventHandler or the default event handler if it hasn't been set
        JAXBException - if an error was encountered while getting the current event handler
      • setProperty

        public abstract void setProperty​(java.lang.String name,
                                         java.lang.Object value)
                                  throws PropertyException
        Set the particular property in the underlying implementation of Binder. This method can only be used to set one of the standard Jakarta XML Binding defined unmarshal/marshal properties or a provider specific property for binder, unmarshal or marshal. Attempting to set an undefined property will result in a PropertyException being thrown. See Supported Unmarshal Properties and Supported Marshal Properties.
        name - the name of the property to be set. This value can either be specified using one of the constant fields or a user supplied string.
        value - the value of the property to be set
        PropertyException - when there is an error processing the given property or value
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the name parameter is null
      • getProperty

        public abstract java.lang.Object getProperty​(java.lang.String name)
                                              throws PropertyException
        Get the particular property in the underlying implementation of Binder. This method can only be used to get one of the standard Jakarta XML Binding defined unmarshal/marshal properties or a provider specific property for binder, unmarshal or marshal. Attempting to get an undefined property will result in a PropertyException being thrown. See Supported Unmarshal Properties and Supported Marshal Properties.
        name - the name of the property to retrieve
        the value of the requested property
        PropertyException - when there is an error retrieving the given property or value property name
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the name parameter is null